Move from never/always to as yet

When we make never and always statements like he always gets angry or I can never be regular with exercise, it means that we keep writing off any possibility of change in ourselves or in…

Reclaim your trishakti, three powers

Take a moment to reflect on any one area where blame is keeping you powerless. Gyan shakti – power to know, our capacity to think, our mind and its abilities to concentrate, to remember, to…

Rejoice in gratefulness

In how many ways is life securing and hugging you?What support do you take for granted every moment of your life which you fail to recognize?

Your attention is your sunshine

What do you pay attention to?Blame, what is missing, anxiety, worry, dissatisfaction?OrGoodness, possibility, perspective, win-win?Remember your attention is your choice.

Restful Rest

What is a simple way to wash off the pressures of the day and get clean restful sleep?“PARCEL” can be your answer .

Add commas to your day

Research to shown that just like commas are small breaks in English grammar, taking micro breaks of a few seconds or a few minutes bring down stress levels, can make us more creative, more productive,…

Are you violent towards yourself and others?

Most of us define violence as anything which causes hurt or harm. Living intelligently means being mindful that your thoughts, words and actions can either empower you or make you a violent person.

The Gift of Feedback

Just like YOU as the recipient decide what to do with a gift, YOU decide what part of the feedback can be meaningful and what is best deleted. An essential leadership quality is to view…

Is your glass half or full?

Put aside the labeling of negative and positive, glass half empty or half full, and look at the full picture. Living intelligently means making more informed and balanced decisions.